Innovative software + hardware + people


Dr. Benjamin Senior & Team

I love hearing about difficulties and problems. There are few greater thrills. Where there are problems, there are potential solutions. Almost all potential solutions are doomed to fail. There may be one or two which are fated to succeed. This is the hunt I find most exciting.

My academic background is in systems science, computer science, process engineering, software engineering and cross-disciplinary research techniques. My practical experience ranges from multiple startups to corporate processes consultancy, from from maths to making, from software to hardware, from welding to micro electronics. I pride myself on adding value by synthesising broad perspectives, on all aspects of a business system, into workable solutions.

Walking the walk, rather than talking the talk. Take a look at some references :

Stephan Dörr – CEO, Codemotor GmbH

Meetings with Dr Senior are the happiest meetings in my week. It's an indescribable pleasure to work with somebody who gets things done! Somebody who can go from a concept, and independently analyse, specify, architect and then build a full stack solution - spanning custom physical machinery, custom electronics, and custom software, in a fraction of the time it would take for a multidisciplinary team to find their feet!
Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass wir einen tatkräftigen visionär an Bord haben!

Chris Volke – CEO, Neuronade GmbH

Ben Senior hat ein gutes Gespür für Marktpotenziale und wie man diese schnell und mit effizienten Prototypen (Minimum Viable Product) testen kann. In der Umsetzung ist Ben sehr gewissenhaft. Er kann aus den gesammelten Daten wichtige Rückschlüsse zu ziehen, um zielgerichtete Anpassungen zu implementieren.

Stephan Preuss – CEO, Quantic GmbH and author of The Digital Innovation Model

Ben Senior ist Ihr Schweizer Taschenmesser, wenn es um die Identifikation und Umsetzung von innovativen Geschäftsansätzen geht. Mit seinem Gespür für Kundennutzen hilft er, die wichtigsten Leistungsmerkmale eines Produktes effizient auf die Straße zu bringen.

Peter Kiess – Managing Director, GIS GmbH

Dr Senior built an extraordinarily good understanding of our complex software requirements, in a very short space of time. He doesn’t just talk, he proved his competence by delivering solutions very quickly. As well as his academic and practical qualities, he also possesses a very high degree of social and emotional competence, important characteristics for successful Change Management.

Various Daimler Managers, from E4 to E2

“Was kaum jemand für möglich gehalten hat”, “das ist/war eine außergewöhnliche Leistung …. kritisches Thema, extrem enge Zeitleiste”, “ich muss sagen, dass ich echt beeindruckt bin was Sie und Ihr Team in der kurzen Zeit geschafft haben. Echt klasse. Super Arbeit ….. DANKE !!!”

Richard Manuel – Managing Director, Perbit GmbH

Sefol’s advice on content and presentation was first class. Everything delivered as promised and on time. These people are a pleasure to work with.

Koen Stevens, BuboBox CEO

…a very strong problem-solver with an analytical mind, who can also put theory into practice. He has a very broad knowledge field. Highly recommended!

Dr Mark van Harmellen – Managing Director, Hedtek Ltd.

Sefol produced great results on time and in budget. Their regular client communication, responsiveness to changing needs, and technical excellence make them a pleasure to work with. As a result of our experiences with Sefol we have now placed repeat business with them.

Andreas Lüdeke – CTO, TestObject GmbH

Great quality and the feature scope we had in mind.

Mate Jovic – Managing Director, Matoma GmbH

Dr Senior was asked to speed up the User Interface development process on a difficult project. He inspired the team to implement both the technology and methodology he recommended, resulting in improved speed, quality, and team satisfaction.

Dr. med. Gunther Essinger – Medizinischer Direktor

“PsychePilot” [a Sefol project] ist praxisnah, anwendbar, innovativ und erweitert die bisherigen Möglichkeiten in der Therapie, Rahmen integrierter Versorgungsprojekte. Ein besonderer, auch gesundheitspolitisch wichtiger Aspekt ist die bessere Steuerbarkeit der insgesamt knappen Resourcen im Gesundheitssystem.

Gerhard Weindler, Steinbeis Institut

Kompliment, Kompliment! Hervorragende Arbeit.

The Laviu Team

Ben did a great job constantly motivating us with fun and inspiration. His new perspectives helped us to think out of the box and improve our ideas.

Hugo Honda - Lead Dev

Ben was the inspiring guy who understood not only what I was trying to say, but transformed it into concrete ideas that built our product. A guide for our confusing brainstorm!

André Nikolski – CEO, Basislager GmbH

Ben has been extremely helpful in getting our Coworking Space for startups off the ground. He’s a very smart, pragmatic and driven person who has provided valuable feedback (technical and strategic) to many startups working in our space. We’re always happy to have him on board as a mentor at startup events like Startup Safary or Startup Weekend.

Tobias Franke - Intern

I feel like I learnt more in the three months I spent with Sefol, as I did in the last three years of University!

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We've done it all... and we'll do it again for you. From product or service ideation, market research and sales execution, patent analysis, software architecture design, algorithmic optimisation, big data analysis, U.I. prototyping, rapid and traditional mobile/desktop/server/hardware development, project management, offshore turnarounds, through to deploying on custom scaleable cloud environments. From the very start of the process, to the very end, we help deliver what your business need to grow.


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© 2017 - Sefol UG (Haftungsbeschraenkt)